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Inline ASM-VB

Using inline ASM

ASMLCase vs. VB LCase$()

This short ASM code will quickly process strings and makes the characters lowercase
Have a look, it speeds up your LCase$() (or UCase$()) code with a factor of around 200%.

'//How-to use this code:
'//Simply: Call ASMLCase(strTest1)
'//No pointer stuff. That's all.
'//Note: Not tested on "weird" international characters. Only on "normal" text.

Public Sub ASMLCase(ByVal MyString As String)
'//from: http://board.win32asmcommunity.net/showthread.php?s=7cd002fb108305b12d8572cd2a3f9dda&threadid=8330
' push ebp
' mov ebp, esp
' push edx
' push edi

' mov edi, [ebp+8]

' mov eax, [edi]
' mov edx, eax
' and edx, 00400040h
' ror edx, 1
' or eax, edx
' mov [edi], eax
' Add edi, 4
' lea edx, [eax-00010001h]
' xor eax, edx
' and eax, 00800080h
' jz str_lcase
' and eax, edx
' jz str_lcase

' pop edi
' pop edx
' mov esp, ebp
' pop ebp
' ret

End Sub

VBLCase$ % faster than ASMLCase VBLCase$ (sec) ASMLCase (sec)
-76.4% 0.07684 0.325046
263.8% 1.246445 0.342576
221.1% 1.249015 0.389014
294.4% 1.292397 0.327705
249% 1.368006 0.391964

VBLCase$ % faster than ASMLCase VBLCase$ (sec) ASMLCase (sec)
279.8% 6.650534 1.751089
264% 7.024404 1.929564
257.6% 7.327672 2.049311
294.4% 7.405174 1.877762
287.3% 7.026479 1.814199

VBLCase$ % faster than ASMLCase VBLCase$ (sec) ASMLCase (sec)
253.1% 13.485712 3.81889
264.3% 13.80551 3.789234
294.3% 14.724604 3.734029
300% 13.875873 3.468981
234.8% 13.830592 4.130574

User contributed notes:

Author: Almar Joling () Date: 19:03 01/03/2004
testing :)

Author: Timothy Patrick () Date: 18:03 15/03/2004
This ASM code might be embedded right in this function, but is there an ASM alternative to the "Len" function?

Author: Almar Joling () Date: 12:03 20/03/2004
Yeah, I once made it, but the performance of it wasn't that much better than the Len() (regarding to strings). I might post it this weekend though.

I still need to fix a few quirks on this site, improvin the comments system a bit. :)

Author: anonymous lurker () Date: 13:04 13/04/2004
shouldnt that really have ret 4 at the end instead of a ret, because you pass 1 parameter on the stack?

Author: sluggy () Date: 06:09 13/09/2004
No, "ret" is fine, it is actually a macro which MASM expands out to "ret "

Author: sluggy () Date: 06:09 13/09/2004
Oops, some of my previous post is missing... "ret" gets expanded by MASM to "ret [number of bytes that need fixin']"

Author: mix (admin at rogerstudio dot com) Date: 16:11 12/11/2005
yes ,but how to compile that code ?
this code is in comments , no ? this function will do anything.

Author: mix (admin at rogerstudio dot com) Date: 16:11 12/11/2005
escuse for this note , i havent read the "using inline asm".

Author: Almar () Date: 18:11 12/11/2005
Check outt he forums, there's some people working on a VB plugin called" ThunderVB" which is very cool, support ASM and everything :)

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